Nursing Home Georgetown

Nursing Home Georgetown

We are new nursing home less than 1 year old and we would like to extend our warm arms to any senior citizen to reside in our humble home. The facilities in our nursing home are new and we do have 24 hours care to all our residents. The nursing home is low in density...

New in house physiotherapist at OCEAN.

New in house physiotherapist at OCEAN. Your loved one are never too old to better their physical and mental well-being through physiotherapy. If you’re considering physiotherapy at OCEAN, contact the friendly and experienced team at OCEAN Physiotherapy. We’re ready to...

Mother’s Day Celebration

Mothers day celebration at Ocean Retirement home held on sundays with staffs.Everthanking our beloved mothers for bringing us to this world. Happy mothers day to all the wonderful mothers. Mom, you’re a wonderful mother, So gentle, yet so strong. The many ways...

Measure your blood pressure correctly

At Ocean we monitor and take blood pressure reading every morning for all our patients. Here is the tips from our nurse to take bp reading correctly in your daily hectic life…. To determine whether you have hypertension, a medical professional will take a blood...